Cuphead secret achievements. . Cuphead secret achievements

Cuphead secret achievements  Precisely what the title says The Divine Relic starts off as the Broken Relic, this is a Charm that can be purchased for 1 Gold Coin from Porkrind's Emporium

Bravo Zulu P-26 is one of the many secret acheivments in cuphead, to obtain this acheivment you must beat any plane level using ONLY mini plain bullets, this means if you fire the gun while out side of mini plane form you will have to start over, this is also the case with extra special moves and super moves, I cant emphasize this enough,. " —Description The Broken Relic is a charm available from Porkrind's Emporium in the DLC. On. Cuphead DLC - 9HP Hearty Achievement/Trophy Guide - Have 9HP at one time - The Delicious Last CourseThe proper way to do this is to play as Cuphead, using th. Some achievements include speed runs and unlocking secret bosses and charms. Finishing a level this way will give you a P rank which is the highest you can get in Run and Gun levels. I have every achievement almost. Porcelain Power 20. The coin is hidden in the trees next to him. They appear as Devil-like entities with angelic and demonic features. It does not even reference your hitpoints. Buy and equip the Broken relic for 1 coin in the shop. This walkthrough is for. Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course is now available, and players are scouring the new DLC for hidden and bonus content. Board Topics. A Vacation in the Wilds: Defeat every boss in Inkwell Isle IV. One of Cuphead’s biggest achievements is creating horror from its boss fights through the natural extension of rubber-band animation: body horror. As for the scoring changes: for scoring it makes sense to count the hitpoints left, because the heart upgrades would be completely useless otherwise. Reviews. During Phase 1, Werner will be either on the left or right side of the screen. History / Unmissable AchievementsTaking Names – Defeat a bossYou'll get this right after defeating your first boss on any difficulty. 24. The first thing you will want to do is to head to Porkrind’s Emporium. Bravo Zulu P-26. Spinning around can happen randomly. 2. Selling Out. Equip the Heart Ring that gives you 1 HP on your 1st, 3rd and 6th parry. ① Clear all boss battles on Expert difficulty. Our trophy list contains a full list of all secret trophies in Cuphead. Never miss out - you know that in CUPHEAD. In that vein, there are fourteen new achievements to unlock, including one called “Hearty. Defeat a boss with an Extra Special move. Cuphead – Cutting Corners Achievement Guide. Finishing a level this way will give you a P rank which is the highest you can get in Run and Gun levels. . The Secret Nightmare Boss. Cuphead (PS4) How to unlock the Decadent achievement in Cuphead: Defeat 10 bosses with Ms. "C'mon, Mug! We have to find the Elder Kettle! He'll know what to do!" —Cuphead to Mugman, Introduction Cuphead is the titular main protagonist of Cuphead. There are 42 achievements with a total of 1500 points . 1. My Cuphead Let's Play throughout the Inkwell Isles! Can I do a Cuphead 200 percent run?BECOME A MEMBER actor dies; bts reaction to your child not letting you kiss; gerald t pearson jr foundation; hand raised birds for sale tasmania; california cemetery and funeral bureau license lookupCuphead: The Delicious Last Course has six new bosses to fight. . Inside you will find a nuclear bomb. The Cursed Relic Charm will make you spawn with only 1 HP when you join a battle. Finishing a level this way will give you a P rank which is the highest you can get in Run and Gun levels. I have also achieved an S rating on expert. The Secret Achievement achievement in Cuphead worth 11 points Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. Secret Achievements Introduction Having issues completing the contract. The Cuphead Achievement Bravo Zulu P-26 can be difficult to achieve, which is why very little people have! But here's some tips from the top on how to become. . ; Select the Settings icon, if you’re not prompted automatically by the console, to determine where you’d like the tracker to be on your screen. Reply. ② Re-play boss battles below A- for regaining A- rank or higher. ③ Clear all Run & Gun stages without. 78%. What is known is that there are two other achievements left for Cuphead in the Delicious Last Course DLC: A Horrible Night to Have a Curse, Survive the Nightmare and Paladin, and Obtain Great Power. Cheats. How to fight the Secret Boss Again. Here is a list of all the achievements in Cuphead The Delicious Last Course and how to unlock each achievement. By defeating all bosses in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course with the Cursed Relic charm, players will earn a trophy/achievement called Paladin. To solve the graveyard puzzle, you’ll need a specific item from the Porkrind Emporium. In this video I show. any help?Secret achievement where you need to "Defeat a boss using only the mini-plane bullets". The Cursed Relic will make the game even more harder. I have done pacifist on all run and guns. 1. Use super art at the last form after those tennis ball throwers came and kill the one at the right or left. In the base game, the bosses take place in the form of debtors, whose souls Cuphead and Mugman must steal to win The Devil's bet, and in The Delicious Last Course, the keepers of ingredients that are used to create the Wondertart to bring Ms. The truth is that it can only be gotten in one place which is in All Bets Are Off AKA King Dice's boss fight. Defeat all bosses with at least an A- rank. Cuphead - Black and White Secret Mode and Vintage Music Filter - How to Unlock Black & White Filter - Grade P - Pacifist Achievement Guide - Complete all Run. They are very easy to identify when he switches between them. I have every achievement almost. Ranger – Obtain. Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course has six new bosses to fight. In this video I show you the list of all Achievements with descriptions on how to unlock them in Cuphead for the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PC!Subscribe. Cuphead - All Secrets - Black & White, 2-Strip, Hidden Coins & Shortcuts, 4 Man Quartet, Piano ThemeMy full game complete walkthrough includes all bosses and. Zeylex • 1 yr. Finding all these coins is required in order to get Butter-and-Egg Man achievement. Cuphead. Cuphead secret achievements Record slow down without gross beat plugin Advanced cmd hacking commands pdf seouklyseo. Even the secret level in Delicious Last Course!. The Secret Achievement achievement in Cuphead worth 0 points Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Hit it three times to get this achievement. You’ll start a battle against one angel and one devil while walking to the right,. ALSO, the REAL requirement of this achievement is beating King Dice with 3 HP left over. This guide will help you get the bouncing ball achievement in Cuphead, This Guide has probably already been done before but I want to try to make a. Cuphead – Secret Boss Fight. Well, that’s everything you need to know about how to get the. How to unlock the Swing You Sinner achievement in Cuphead: Defeat the Devil. This secret achievement wants you to master King Dice - beat him without taking a hit. Obtain Great Power and Paladin Achievement in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course. Get an S-Rank. Now go to the gravestone in the middle and click. The Devil will ask you to give him the contracts and when he asks you to do so, select yes, you will get the achievement and an animation of cuphead and mugman with an evil face. Secret Achievement #1. The Bishop: 2 coins. 107K subscribers in the Cuphead community. Cuphead – 100% Achievement Guide (How to Unlock All) Next. Cuphead Achievements Paladin achievement Cuphead 4,124 1,500 42. Secret Golden Skin for Ms. Chances are if you do stuff like getting a bunch of parries in a row or beating one boss on S-rank you'll pop over 100%. Put On a Show. This area consists of 12 new bosses with their unique moves, projectiles, transformations, and more. Djimmi will reveal a Puppet Cuphead that fights alongside him in the end of the fight. Beat the devil at his own game. After going through a few cutscenes and dialogues, you'll finally be given control. 13 votes, 18 comments. This achievement is worth 0 Gamerscore. Chalice. The Cuphead Achievement Bravo Zulu P-26 can be difficult to achieve, which is why very little people have! But here's some tips from the top on how to become. ; Special Achievement: Collecting all the coins will grant players a special achievement that can be logged into their archives. I also have an A rating on all bosses. Phase 1 - Tin Can. To get this achievement you will have to complete all levels without killing an enemy in platform levels (Run and Gun). I have done pacifist on all run and guns. This Video Show New Secret Twin Heart Animation in Cuphead DLC Update Version ,,,,Enjoooooooy & Sub 💕💕💕Cuphead Creators Credit: Stay Awesome!=====. Cuphead: 100% Achievement Guide (New DLC Included) In this guide, you will learn how to perform all the achievements in Cuphead and in its new DLC. 1st place: You start in the middle, and the only direction mentioned is left. Selling Out. Complete the game on Expert. traditional cel animation (hand drawn & hand inked!), watercolor backgrounds and live jazz recordings. So you stay in the center row and choose the left headstone. To get this achievement you will have to complete all levels without killing an enemy in platform levels (Run and Gun). She can be used if Cuphead or Mugman equip the Astral Cookie charm, however only one player can swap places with her. - Added all the new achievements for Patch 2. To get the Paladin achievement or trophy in Cuphead, you’ll need to acquire the Broken Relic charm from the Porkrind Emporium. There is a new playable character with different mechanics, five new bosses to fight, some coins to find, a new final boss, a secret boss, a mini gauntlet of bosses, new charms and weapons to. 30. By Guh. 1. Cuphead. In order to earn an S Rank, you must play on Expert difficulty which is unlocked after completing. After beating boss u will unlock secret achievement and new charm -> Cursed Relic. Here is the complete trophy list for Cuphead on PlayStation 4. If you answer “Yes”, the. How to replay secret boss in DLC: If you are playing on a controller you have to hold down both the left and right triggers for a few seconds at the middle grave. Guide ContentsHow to Defeat Secret Boss and Obtain. Converge - This weapon fires three lightning bolts in a cone shape that can span the entire area of the stage. Questions. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox One. 5 Hearty. Put On a Show. Macintosh Nintendo Switch PC. 03 for ‘Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course’ is going to be released today across all platforms. Cuphead: 100% Achievement Guide (New DLC Included) In this guide, you will learn how to perform all the achievements in Cuphead and in its new DLC. . Cuphead secret achievements Assassins creed 1 stroy line Windows 10 black glass theme download Super mario land 2 dx- 6 golden coins 48 laws of power audiobook mp3 Command and conquer 3 kanes wrath unit promotions Jodha akbar movie online subtitles Starcraft brood war maps Autocad structural detailing Buy filmora 9Cuphead - Secret Djimmi HP Cheat. 5 (5 in total). Follow our guide by solving the graveyard puzzle and. Chalice. e. Cuphead – Achievements Xbox One . So I don’t think this is well known yet so yeah. 4) Now. Cuphead is Mugman's irresponsible older twin brother. 89%. Secret - Click or Tap to Reveal. If you earn coins and clear boss stages as A-rank or higher, it will help to save time. Questions. Cuphead DLC Secret Achievement 1. The secret boss in Cuphead’s DLC has a unique gimmick when compared to all the other ones in the game. Note that perfect “A” ranks are not necessary for this, at the very least you require an “A-“. Elsewhere, Cuphead is wandering around trying to find a "crazy portal opening", until he soon discovers Boyfriend. Give in to the Devil. Cuphead - Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Obtain an A-Rank or higher on all bosses in Inkwell Isle III. Obtain an A-Rank or Higher on all bosses in Inkwell Isle IV. Beat all Run n' Gun Levels without killing a single enemy. 1 . You unlock The Delicious Last Course secret boss fight after completing the graveyard sidequest puzzle. This is a new secret. Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course is here and it has a new island that holds a graveyard puzzle that can be found after finishing the first few bosses. Image view. The boss fight will consist of the devil on one side and an. Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course features a cryptic achievement called Paladin, which requires a very specific sequence in order to complete. Pay attention to the Golden Cup. 3. The boss's phases are. ; If the genie does not appear, try going to Inkwell Hell and repeating. Hope it works for everyone as it did for me. The secret boss of The Delicious Last Course is. Welcome to the Cuphead Wiki, the #1 fan-curated Cuphead encyclopedia!. But just to clarify, this only applies to the 6 Run and Gun levels in Inwell Isles. 2 - Unlock the Divine Relic. News. 10. e. Once you have defeat all of them the king moved location to the start of the map by the boat you came in on. did the first run and completed the game on. His battle takes place in the air, so Cuphead and his companions have to fight him with airplanes in their attempts to get his contract. Secret - Click or Tap to Reveal. Once you reach the third round, transform your airplane into the smallest form. ; Get the code from the climbers by talking to them and taking note of their directional clues based on their positions in a local climbing competition. PACIFIC MODE. These are awarded for completing the single-player campaign from start to finish, completing levels with specific. updated Jul 5, 2022. You can get it at Porkrind’s Emporium. traditional hand drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds, and original jazz recordings. News. Each one will have a specific direction hidden in a line of dialogue (It’s downright shameful…). ago. The achievement clearly states you cannot get hit. Here is the list of all secret achievements & trophies. e. Here is the list of Cuphead DLC achievements you can get: Cuphead DLC. Here's a full rundown of the Achievements list for Cuphead: Name. Road Map. The identity of the boss doesn’t matter; the key is to conquer one boss to earn this achievement. The first is, of course, the achievement. This DLC is filled with new bosses, weapons, and charms for players to obtain throughout the campaign. ago. How to Obtain DLC Secret Achievements A Horrible Night To Have a. Fun Facts Daily. Related: How to get S rank in Cuphead Delicious Last Course Weapons. It finally did around 9 a. Beat the game on expert mode. After beating boss u will unlock secret achievement and new charm -> Cursed Relic. We’ll show you how to get every trophy so you’ll have. e. Cuphead – Secret Boss Fight. Cuphead Shooting. But if you're the kind of person who finds Cuphead bosses relaxing. Cuphead - All Secrets - Black & White, 2-Strip, Hidden Coins & Shortcuts, 4 Man Quartet, Piano ThemeMy full game complete walkthrough includes all bosses and. He can be found. How to unlock the Put On a Show achievement. It is worth 25 points and can be. Bouncing Ball 40. Chalice. 3. 3. I hope this helps!There is a new playable character with different mechanics, five new bosses to fight, some coins to find, a new final boss, a secret boss, a mini gauntlet of bosses, new charms and weapons to. And while I had a great time with. I also have an A rating on all bosses. 33; 120frames-please; Wed 20th Mar 2019 @Mando44646 I prefer easy modes and easy games, but have had fun with Cuphead. Cuphead is a classic run 'n' gun set in the style of a one-on-one fighting game…For the game, see Cuphead (video game) and Cuphead (disambiguation). Achievements Community Hub Community Guides. Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930s, the visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era, i. I'm wondering whether I'm doing something wrong or the game is. Reviews Overwhelmingly Positive Obtain an A-Rank or higher on all bosses in Inkwell Isle II. Here is a list of all the achievements in Cuphead The Delicious Last Course and how to unlock each achievement. First, go to the climbers right next to “Gnome Way Out” and talk to them, each one will say a direction (sometimes two). any help?How to unlock the Cutting Corners achievement. Just follow step-by-step. Cuphead is a run and gun indie video game developed and published by StudioMDHR. I also have an A rating on all bosses. Rolling Sixes isn’t TOO difficult, but you can make it way easier. The Cursed Relic will make the game even more harder. Cuphead. Please post it in the Cuphead Forum. Chalice for a DLC add-on adventure on a brand new island! With new weapons, new charms, and Ms. Cuphead is the 2D sidescrolling run-and-gun video game developed by brothers Chad and Jared Moldenhauer as Studio MDHR, drawn in the style of 1930s cartoons released on Sept. Go to the Root Pack / Botanic Panic boss on Simple difficulty. Chalice . I'll delete this video if it doesn't end up working for a lot of people. left stick in a circular motion to get the double HP from the genie. Get an S. ; Select Game activity > Achievements, and then select the toggle switch to enable the Achievement tracker. Called the Nightmare or the Devil and Angel, this boss battle is fairly easy to beat once you know what to look out for. The Divine Relic is the “Secret Power” the achievement alludes to. Expert Mode. Terminar um nível dessa maneira lhe dará um rank P, que é o mais alto que você pode obter nos níveis Run e Gun. In Cuphead, there are a total of three different types of difficulty settings that can be chosen when fighting a boss. Cuphead Achievements; Cuphead News; Forum 132; Clips 34k; Walkthrough * Reviews 3* Scores; DLC 2. Mobile-Inflation1 • 2 yr. A Vacation in the Wilds – Defeat every boss in Inkwell Isle IV. TRC Jul 20, 2022 @ 8:57am. Isle Two Coin: When you arrive at this Isle, head through the open tent area to a plaza with a level in a plaza. % of all. Achievements. Please post it in the Cuphead Forum. Bravo Zulu P-26. The residents throw a celebration for Cuphead and Mugman in gratitude, alongside Elder Kettle, who is proud of the two. I just did the Hearty achievement, only with a way easier method: 1. Here is the list of Cuphead DLC achievements you can get: Cuphead DLC Achievements Pack 1. Cuphead has four different worlds and every world has a hidden coin. average completion. Sadly, the Cursed Relic actually makes Cuphead even harder, giving you 1 HP and randomly changing your weapons during a fight. Cuphead secret achievements Using applet viewer command line Gorillaz clint eastwood ukulele Native launcher vs jar launcher which one is better Bootstrap latest themes Star wars battlefront 2 ps3 preset controls Corel draw 11 setup exe file When the bough breaks movie similar. Once you have that, you’ll need to solve the graveyard puzzle, which we have a guide for. In the latest update you will be able to see the secret achievements on Xbox. I have the achievement for earning and finding all the coins in the game, but I'm missing one coin needed to buy roundabout and get the achievement for buying all of porkrind's stuff :( does anyone know how to fix this (without starting a new file, on this file I've already s-ranked a bunch of bosses and completed a bunch of other challenges), having. ; To reach the region, you must defeat Glumstone the Giant or Mortimer Freeze or Moonshine Mob, and Esther Winchester. The Cuphead Wiki provides beginner’s guides, puzzles guides, boss fight guides, achievement guides, and 100% game completion guide. By Sage of Chaos. The fastest way to get the "Healthy" achievement is to put on the "Double Heart" amulet before the boss fight and summon Jimmy the Great to grant one of his wishes and reward you with an additional 3 HP. There is a Demon Bat that resembles the Devil shown in the 2014 E3 trailer, it is confirmed to be unrelated to the Devil. Secret Achievement #1. 10. This achievement is worth 70 Gamerscore. Yes. The base game contains 28 achievements, of which 7 are hidden; while the DLC contains 14 achievements, of which 2 are hidden. . Cuphead - Bravo Zulu P-26 Achievement Guide - Defeat a boss using only the mini-plane bullets (Secret)Buy Cuphead: is an aff. . 2nd place: We're working on the left side again, but this. Equip the Heart Ring that gives you 1 HP on your 1st, 3rd and 6th parry. traditional cel animation (hand drawn & hand inked!), watercolor backgrounds and live jazz recordings. Healthy. Cada um terá uma direção específica escondida em uma linha de diálogo (é francamente vergonhoso…). 3 New Cuphead Achievements + New Secret. 1 Coin - Just south of the Grim Matchstick boss is a guy juggling, you'll need to. Image 2: The start of the secret passage. You can also do this to replay the cutscene where Saltbaker is revealed as evil if you stand in front of. It doesn't take long, The Bouncing Ball achievement in Cuphead worth 77 points Parry five times before hitting the ground. Unlocking this achievement is a breeze. any help?Note that every pattern is different per player. Cuphead: The Hardest Achievements, Ranked,What’s tougher than beating Cuphead? How about beating its even tougher achievement list? These are all of the game’s hardest achievements to unlock. Shown Achievements. Alive and Kicking. Just follow step-by-step. To enable the achievement tracker: Press the Xbox button to open the guide. 5. I also have an A rating on all bosses. Cuphead's DLC Trophies Are BRUTAL! In this video, I went for 100% completion on Cuphead! They just released new DLC content and since I already had the plati. Its description reads: “obtain great power. Ranger: Get a rank A- in all the bosses from the DLC. Secret - Click or Tap to Reveal. Cuphead is a classic run 'n' gun set in the style of a one-on-one fighting game universe. How to unlock the Ceramic Strike achievement. Finishing a level this way will give you a P rank which is the highest you can get in Run and Gun levels. Tutorial how to get the secret Bravo Zulu P-26 achievement, best method!Cuphead - Xbox / PCThe Anniversary Update will add a Music Player, Art Gallery, and a Behind-the-Scenes video player to Cuphead's menu, featuring over 100 hi-res photos, the entire 86-track Cuphead OST, never-before. É a chave para esta e a próxima conquista. To activate either, pause the game and go to options, then go to audio or visual. Once you have it and have used it to summon and defeat the secret. You must be logged in to compare these stats to your own. Cuphead. This secret achievement wants you to master King Dice - beat him without taking a hit. -Pacifist-Complete all levels without killing an enemy. Cuphead – Achievements PlayStation 4 . Beat the devil at his own game. Which is to fight all 5 bosses in. When you go to the last boss of the game (The Devil) he will ask you to give him your soul contracts and that you join his team. It requires you to obtain great power by turning the Broken Relic into the Divine Relic. 02 Oct 2017 29 Sep 2017 05 Oct 2017. Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. You unlock The Delicious Last Course secret boss fight after completing the graveyard sidequest puzzle. Share. This guide also provides screenshots, comments and tips from the author and other players. By obtaining 15 “A” ranks (for Boss fights or “Run n’ Gun” levels), you will learn his secret through a visual filter. It costs one coin and 5 coins can be found throughout the new island. By consistently obtaining “A” ranks for one area, you will learn his secret, as well as an achievement. I have done pacifist on all run and guns. 1. did the first run and completed the game on. Secret Boss 2 – Puppet Cuphead (Djimmi The Great): Go to Isle 2 and fight Djimmi The Great. Walkthrough overview. She can be used if Cuphead or Mugman equip the Astral Cookie charm, however only one player can swap places with her. Previously achievements marked "Secret" were hidden but now you can reveal th. Give in to the Devil. A Walk in the Park: Defeat all bosses in. A Horrible Night To Have a Curse: Survive the nightmare. The lucky part of this endeavor is that the item costs just one coin. Macintosh Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 Xbox One. So they should either fix that bug or the achievement requirement text. “Pandiln” is another secret achievement essential for 100% completion. Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Ranger: Obtain an A-Rank or Higher on all bosses in Inkwell Isle IV. For Cuphead in the Delicious Last Course on the PC, GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion. Since then, it has accrued quite the cult following and swept up several awards in the process. This changes to your super attack if you have all five cards on. 0 share; Share; As a part of Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course is a bunch of new achievements and secrets. After interacting with the correct gravestones in the correct order with the Broken Relic equipped, the center grave should change and you can interact with it to start the secret boss fight. Bravo Zulu P-26 Defeat a boss using only the mini-plane bullets To do this achievement , you have to defeat a boss using only the mini-ship. Complete Guide on how to unlock Pacifist Achievement in Cuphead. , 4 more can be found here: a juggling clown who is next to the dragon tower will give you the last coin if you parry 5 times in a row without. Cuphead in the Delicious Last Course – Achievements PC . And anyways, he might and probably only wanted to get the achievement and then play normally By the way, you canget the achievement without using this "exploit", with the new charm that gives you an hp at first, third and. traditional hand drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds, and original jazz recordings. You only need to beat a minimum of 5 bosses (4 that give you 3 points and 1 that gives you 4 points, max points is 16, all isle 3 bosses and most DLC bosses give you 3 points, and Devil and Saltbaker gives you 4 points). How to unlock the Paladin achievement. Cuphead, produced by Studio MDHR, is praised for its bright 1930s cartoon allusions, authentic and painstaking. Just equip the Invulnerability super (number 2), load it on the first little mushroom (not on the video). The Secret Achievement achievement in Cuphead worth 0 points Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. Paladin - Secret A Horrible Night To Have a Curse - Also Secret A King's Admiration (beat kings gauntlet. After about 2-3 weeks of constant grinding, dying and retrying, I've managed to get all the base game achievements, completed the game on Expert, got Rank S on all bosses and Rank P on all run-and-gun levels. Achievement View. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats. Chalice is the tritagonist of Cuphead. Chalice. For the first time ever, you'll actually earn achievements for your gaming prowess on Switch. I have also achieved an S rating on expert. The Djimmi is an in-game character that “grants your wishes,” The Twin Heart charm gives you two more HP in exchange for weaker attack power. 1. . Some of the secret achievements will be displayed on this page. Cuphead: The countdown is the boss intro from Cuphead, and the Game Over screen is the death screen from said game;. I have also achieved an S rating on expert. . CUPHEAD (Secret Achievement) "BRAVO ZULU P-26" Defeat a Boss Using Only the Mini-Plane BulletsThe cursed challenge. There's a total of 10 secret coins hidden on the world map. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930s, the visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era, i. Score: 70; Souls Saved. any help?Cuphead Achievement List. 50. Please post it in the Cuphead Forum.